Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 165-166.

Language: English

External Link:

Full reference: Munteanu, D., Weber, P., Szabo, J., Gogu-Bogdan, M. & Marinov, M. 1991. A note on the present status of geese in Rumania. Ardea 79: 165-166.

Literature type: General

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 113-122.

Language: English

External Link:

Full reference: Madsen, J. 1991. Status and trends of goose populations in the western palearctic in the 1980's. Ardea: 79, 113-122.

Keywords: status, trend

Literature type: Book Chpt

Language: English


Full reference: Lewington, I., Alström, P. & Colston, P. 1991. Rare birds of Britain and Europe. , Domino Books Ltd., Great Britain. Pp. 50-51.

Keywords: status

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 175-178.

Language: English

Full reference: Handrinos, G. I. 1991. The status of geese in Greece. Ardea 79: 175-178.

Keywords: status

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 161-164.

Language: English

Full reference: Farago, S., Kovcas, G. & Sterbetz, T. 1991. Goose populations staging and wintering in Hungary 1984-1988. Ardea 79: 161-164.

Keywords: migration, status

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: English


Full reference: Vinogradov, V. G. 1990. Anser erythropus in the USSR. , Pp. 199-203 in: Matthews, G.V.T. (ed.). Managing Waterfowl Populations. Proc. IWRB Symp., Astrakhan, 1989. IWRB Spec. Publ. 12, Slimbridge.

Keywords: status

Literature type: General

Journal: IWRB. Goose Research Group. Newsletter

Volume: no. 3/90 , Pages: 18-20.

Language: English


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1990. Status of Lesser White-fronted Goose in 1990. IWRB. Goose Research Group. Newsletter: no. 3/90, 18-20.

Keywords: status

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: NA


Full reference: Lu, J. 1990. Current status and distribution of geese in China. , Int. Symp. of Wild Geese Populations in Northern Asia. Magadan, USSR.

Keywords: status, distribution

Literature type: Book

Language: Russian


Full reference: Ler, P.A., Kostenko. V.A., Nechaev, V.A. & Shibaev, Yu.V. 1989. [ Rare vertebrates of the Soviet Far East and their protection. ] , Nauka, Leningrad.

Keywords: Status, red list

Literature type: Report

Language: Norwegian (In Norwegian)

Full reference: Henriksen, G. 1989. Gjess i Finnmark - en statusrapport. [Geese in Finnmark - a status report.] , Fylkesmannen i Finnmark, miljøvernavdelingen. Rapport nr. 33.

Keywords: dverggås, occurrence, distribution, numbers, references, Finnmark, Norway, breeding, bean goose

Number of results: 88