Literature type: Book
Language: English
Full reference: Rogacheva, H. 1992. The birds of Central Siberia. , Husum Druck-u. Verlagsges., Husum.
Keywords: status, distribution, Russia
Literature type: Book
Language: Swedish (In Swedish)
Full reference: SOF 1990. Sveriges fåglar. , 2:a uppl. Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening, Stockholm.
Keywords: distribution, numbers, hoistory, migration, wintering, reintroduction
Literature type: Proceedings
Language: NA
Download:Full reference: Lu, J. 1990. Current status and distribution of geese in China. , Int. Symp. of Wild Geese Populations in Northern Asia. Magadan, USSR.
Keywords: status, distribution
Literature type: Report
Language: Norwegian (In Norwegian)
Full reference: Henriksen, G. 1989. Gjess i Finnmark - en statusrapport. [Geese in Finnmark - a status report.] , Fylkesmannen i Finnmark, miljøvernavdelingen. Rapport nr. 33.
Keywords: dverggås, occurrence, distribution, numbers, references, Finnmark, Norway, breeding, bean goose
Literature type: Thesis
Language: NA
Download:Full reference: Martynov, A.S. 1983. [Waterfowl of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: an essay of a cadaster evaluation.] , Biol. Doct. Thes. Moscow. 17pp.
Keywords: distribution
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Portenko, L.A. 1981. Birds of the Chukchi Peninsula and Wrangel Island. , Vol.1. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Zoology. Amerind Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Keywords: Russia, distribution, Kolyma , Wrangel, Chukchi, Karchyk peninsula, spring, Chaun bay
Literature type: General
Journal: Limosa
Volume: 49 , Pages: 230-292.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Timmerman, A., Mörzer Bruyns, M.F. & Philippona, J. 1976. Survey of the winter distribution of palearctic geese in Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Limosa: 49, 230-292.
Literature type: Report
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Morzer Bruyns, M.F., Phillipona, J. & Timmerman, A. 1973. Survey of the winter distribution of Palearctic geese in Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. , Rev. Rep. of Goose Group of IWRB.
Keywords: distribution
Literature type: Book
Language: Swedish
Full reference: Ekman, S. 1922. Djurvärldens utbredningshistoria på Skandinaviska halvön. [Distribution history of animals at the Scandinavian peninsular.] , Albert Bonniers Förlag, Stockholm. 614s.
Keywords: Scandinavia, distribution history, climate, faune changes, Finnmark, limitsmigration, arctic, ice age
Number of results: 54