Literature type: General
Journal: De Levende Natuur
Volume: 71 , Pages: 91-95.
Language: Dutch (In Dutch)
Full reference: Lebret, T. & Philippona, J. 1968. Ganzen in de Hongaarse poesta. De Levende Natuur: 71, 91-95.
Keywords: Hungary, observations
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ibis
Volume: 103 , Pages: 443-471.
Language: English
Full reference: Mountfort, G. & Fergusson-Lees, I.J. 1961. Observations on the birds of Bulgaria. Ibis 103: 443-471.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: British Birds
Volume: 49 , Pages: 227.
Language: English
Full reference: Watson, D. 1956. Lesser White-fronted Goose in Kirkcudbrightshire. British Birds: 49, 227.
Keywords: Observation, vagrant, bean goose
Literature type: Book
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Macgillivray, W. 1837. A history of British birds, indigenous and migratory: including their organization, habits, and relations; remarks on classification and nomenclature; an account of the principal organs of birds, and observations relative to practical ornithology. , Scott, Webster, and Geary, London. Vol.1, aquatic birds. 700pp.
Keywords: Anser albifrons, White-fronted goose, erythropus, nomenclature, systematics
Number of results: 24