Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: German


Full reference: Nowak, E. 1995. Jagdaktivitäten in der Vergangenheit und heute als Einflußfaktor auf Gänsepopulationen und andere Vögel Nordsibiriens. [Hunting activities in the past and present as an influencing factor on populations of geese and other birds of northern Siberia.] , Pp. 143-159 in: Prokosch, P. & Hötker, H. (eds) 1995. Faunistik und Naturschutz auf Taimyr - Expeditionen 1989-1991. Corax 16, Sonderheft. Sonderheft der Schriftenreihe Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmer.

Keywords: hunting, Siberia

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Farago, S. 1995. Geese in Hungary 1986-1991. Numbers, migration and hunting bags. , IWRB Publication 36.

Keywords: migration, status

Literature type: General

Journal: Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift

Volume: 34 , Pages: 195.

Language: Danish (In Danish)

Full reference: Steinbach, A. 1940. Dværggæs (Anser erythropus) skudt i Randers fjord. [Lesser White-fronted Geese shot in Randers fjord.], Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift: 34, 195.

Keywords: hunting, mortaliity, Denmark, occurrence

Literature type: General

Journal: British Birds

Volume: 12 , Pages: 14-18.

Language: English

Full reference: Harrison, J.M. 1918. Bird notes from Macedonia. British Birds : 12, 14-18.

Keywords: Greece, hunting, shooting, occurrence

Literature type: Book

Language: German (In German)

Full reference: Reiser, O. 1905. Griechenland und die Griechischen inseln (min ausnahme von Kreta). [Greece and the Greek islands (with exception of Crete).] , Materialien zu einer Ornis Balcanica. Herausgegeben vom Bosnisch-Herzegowininschen Landesmuseum in Sarajejevo. Adolf Holzbausen und k. hof Universitats-Buchdrucker, Wien. 601 pp.

Keywords: Greece, Macedonia, hunting, museum, Balkan,

Literature type: General

Journal: Tromsø Museums aarshefter

Volume: 27 , Pages: 20-129.

Language: Norwegian (In Norwegian)

Full reference: Wessel, A.B. 1904. Ornithologiske meddelelser fra Sydvaranger. Tromsø Museums aarshefter: 27, 20-129.

Keywords: Finnmark, Varanger, Norway, occurrence, hunting, nest, Nesseby, Jakobselv

Literature type: Book

Language: English


Full reference: Lloyd, L. 1867. The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway with an account of the seals and salt-watwer fishes of those countries. , Frederick Warne and co, London. 599pp.

Keywords: Scandinavia, capture, hunting, hunt, catching, Finland, Lapland, moulting, moult, Gellivara, Karesuando, Sulitelma, snares

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ibis

Volume: 3 , Pages: 217-251.

Language: English


Full reference: Irby, L.H. 1861. Notes on birds observed in Oudh and Kumaon. Ibis 3: 217-251.

Keywords: Egypt, occurrence, identification, distribution, hunting, shooting

Literature type: Book

Language: English


Full reference: Lloyd, L. 1854. Scandinavian Adventures, during a residence of upwards of twenty years. , Vol.II. Richard Bentley, London. 512pp.

Keywords: Scandinavia, capture, hunting, hunt, catching, Sweden, Norway, Lapland, steel-trap, skjut-ko, moulting, moult

Number of results: 29