Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: Markkola, J., Ohtonen, A. & Karvonen, R. 1997. Spring staging areas of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus on Bothnian Bay coast: features of spring migration in 1997. , In: Tolvanen, P., Ruokolainen, K., Markkola, J. & Karvonen, R. (eds). Finnish Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1997. WWF Finland Report No 9: pp. 12-18.

Keywords: monitoring, Finland

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: Kellomäki, E., Pessa, J. & Ripatti, N. 1997. Spring hunting of geese in western Russia. , In: Tolvanen, P., Ruokolainen, K., Markkola, J. & Karvonen, R. (eds). Finnish Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1997. WWF Finland Report No 9: pp. 9-11.

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: English


Full reference: Markkola, J. 1990. Spring migration of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) around Oulu in 1989 and preliminary results of biotope management. , Nordiskt fjällgåsmøte 21-22.3. 1990 Lammi.

Keywords: migration

Literature type: Book

Language: English


Full reference: Portenko, L.A. 1981. Birds of the Chukchi Peninsula and Wrangel Island. , Vol.1. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Zoology. Amerind Publishing Co., New Delhi.

Keywords: Russia, distribution, Kolyma , Wrangel, Chukchi, Karchyk peninsula, spring, Chaun bay

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: NA


Full reference: Panchenko, V. & Priklonski, S. 1972. The specific composition and the numbers of geese during the spring migration in the area of the Oka nature reserve. , Pp.105 in: Kumari, E. (ed.). Geese in the USSR. Proceedings of a conference Estonia, May 1970. Tartu, Estonia.

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: English


Full reference: Drobovtsev, V. 1972. Character of the spring and autumn passage of geese in the North-Kazakhstan region. , Pp.137-138 in: Kumari, E. (ed.). Geese in the USSR. Proceedings of a conference Estonia, May 1970. Academy of sciences of the Estonian SSR, Tartu.

Keywords: migration

Literature type: Book

Language: NA


Full reference: Borzhonov, B.B. 1968. On the spring migration of geese in Central and West Taymyr in 1966 and 1967. , In: Waterfowl resources in the USSR: their reproduction and use, part 2. Moscow. Pp.: 54-55.

Keywords: migration

Literature type: General

Journal: Fauna och flora

Volume: 16 , Pages: 1-20.

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)

Full reference: Montell, J. 1916. Bidrag till kännedomen om fågelfaunan i gränstrakterna mellan Sverige och Finland. [Contribution to the knowledge about the bird fauna in the border areas between Sweden and Norway.], Fauna och flora: 16, 1-20.

Keywords: breeding, numbers, Lapland, Sweden, Finland, Muonio, spring mirgation, autumn

Number of results: 28