Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Berkut
Volume: 7 , Pages: 30-31
Language: English summary in Ukrainian
Download:Full reference: Soultanov, E., Mosley, P., Paynter, D. & Aarvak, T. 1998. Results of geese and swans counts during wintering in Azerbaijan in 1993 and 1996. Berkut 7: 30-31
Keywords: Azerbaijan, wintering, geese, swans, globally threatened species
Literature type: Newsletter
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Paynter, D., Aarvak, T. & Sultanov, E. 1996. Winter counts of threatened species in Azerbaijan. , Threatened Waterfowl Specialist Group News 9:39-42.
Literature type: General
Journal: IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin
Volume: 8 , Pages: 7-8.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Paynter, D. 1996. Counts of Lesser White-fronted Geese in Azerbaijan, January/February 1996. IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin: 8, 7-8.
Literature type: General
Journal: Limosa
Volume: 65 , Pages: 163-169.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Ganzenwerkgroep-Ned-Belg. 1992. Goose counts in the Netherlands and Belgium in 1989/1990. Limosa: 65, 163-169.
Keywords: monitoring
Literature type: General
Journal: IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin
Volume: 36 , Pages: 76-77.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1973. Summary of waterfowl counts in Hungary in 1972/73. IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin: 36, 76-77.
Number of results: 15