Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 161-164.

Language: English

Full reference: Farago, S., Kovcas, G. & Sterbetz, T. 1991. Goose populations staging and wintering in Hungary 1984-1988. Ardea 79: 161-164.

Keywords: migration, status

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 96-97 , Pages: 11-17.

Language: English


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1990. Variations in the habitat of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus L., 1758) in Hungary. Aquila 96-97: 11-17.

Keywords: habitat

Literature type: General

Language: Hungarian (In Hungarian)


Full reference: Kovács, G. 1988. A Hortobágy marárvilágának ökofaunisztikai vizsgálata. [Ecofaunistical investigation of the avifauna of the Hortobagy (1971-1986).], Pp. 113-208 in: Tóth, A. (ed.) Tudományos kutatások a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Parkban 1976-1985. Budapest.

Keywords: Hungary

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 92 , Pages: 81-89.

Language: English

External Link:


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1985. Percentage of juvenile Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus L., 1758) in Hungary. Aquila 92: 81-89.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 89 , Pages: 107-114.

Language: English

External Link:


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1982. Migration of Anser erythropus and Branta ruficollis in Hungary 1971-1980. Aquila 89: 107-114.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 89 , Pages: 193-194.

Language: English

External Link:


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1982. Peak numbers of geese and cranes on autumn migration in the Kardoskut Nature Reserve, Southeast Hungary. Aquila 89: 193-194.

Literature type: General

Journal: IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin

Volume: 45 , Pages: 9-14.

Language: English


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1978. The feeding ecology of Anser albifrons, Anser erythropus, and Anser fabalis in Hungary. IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin: 45, 9-14.

Literature type: General

Journal: IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin

Volume: 36 , Pages: 76-77.

Language: English


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1973. Summary of waterfowl counts in Hungary in 1972/73. IWRB Goose Research Group Bulletin: 36, 76-77.

Literature type: General

Journal: De Levende Natuur

Volume: 71 , Pages: 91-95.

Language: Dutch (In Dutch)

Full reference: Lebret, T. & Philippona, J. 1968. Ganzen in de Hongaarse poesta. De Levende Natuur: 71, 91-95.

Keywords: Hungary, observations

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 73-74 , Pages: 43-49.

Language: English


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1967. Oecological problems of White-fronted Geese passing the winter in Hungary. Presence of White-fronted Geese in this century. Aquila 73-74: 43-49.

Keywords: migration, monitoring

Number of results: 22