Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Book

Language: Finnish (In Finnish with Swedish summary)

Full reference: Väisänen, R.A., Lammi, E. & koskimies, P. 1998. Muuttuva pesimälinnusto. , Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, Helsingissä. 567 pp.

Keywords: distribution, numbers, population change, Finland, breeding birds

Literature type: General

Journal: Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum

Volume: no.7 1997 , Pages: 103-105.

Language: English


Full reference: Iwabuchi, S., Gang, L., Young, J. & Yue, S.P. 1997. The short report on survey of Lesser White-fronted Geese at Dongting Lakes in China. Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum: no.7 1997, 103-105.

Keywords: China, Dongting, survey, numbers

Literature type: Book

Language: English

Full reference: Handrinos, G. & Akriotis, T. 1997. The birds of Greece. , Christopher Helm, London. 336 pp.

Keywords: Greece, hunting, wintering, occurrence, numbers

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Farago, S. 1995. Geese in Hungary 1986-1991. Numbers, migration and hunting bags. , IWRB Publication 36.

Keywords: migration, status

Literature type: Book

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)

Full reference: SOF 1990. Sveriges fåglar. , 2:a uppl. Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening, Stockholm.

Keywords: distribution, numbers, hoistory, migration, wintering, reintroduction

Literature type: Report

Language: Norwegian (In Norwegian)

Full reference: Henriksen, G. 1989. Gjess i Finnmark - en statusrapport. [Geese in Finnmark - a status report.] , Fylkesmannen i Finnmark, miljøvernavdelingen. Rapport nr. 33.

Keywords: dverggås, occurrence, distribution, numbers, references, Finnmark, Norway, breeding, bean goose

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Aquila

Volume: 89 , Pages: 193-194.

Language: English

External Link:


Full reference: Sterbetz, I. 1982. Peak numbers of geese and cranes on autumn migration in the Kardoskut Nature Reserve, Southeast Hungary. Aquila 89: 193-194.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Finnish Game Research

Volume: 33 , Pages: 27-30.

Language: English


Full reference: Soikkeli, M. 1973. Decrease in numbers of migrating Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus in Finland. Finnish Game Research 33: 27-30.

Keywords: Finland, Pori, migration, monitoring, trend


In the 1950’s, the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) was a regular migrant in Western Finland during spring migration, but in the 1960’s the number of migrants seen has decreased abruptly despite increased ornithological field activity. This maybe an alarming indication of a very recent decline in the Scandinavian breeding population of the species.

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: NA


Full reference: Panchenko, V. & Priklonski, S. 1972. The specific composition and the numbers of geese during the spring migration in the area of the Oka nature reserve. , Pp.105 in: Kumari, E. (ed.). Geese in the USSR. Proceedings of a conference Estonia, May 1970. Tartu, Estonia.

Literature type: General

Journal: Fauna och flora

Volume: 16 , Pages: 1-20.

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)

Full reference: Montell, J. 1916. Bidrag till kännedomen om fågelfaunan i gränstrakterna mellan Sverige och Finland. [Contribution to the knowledge about the bird fauna in the border areas between Sweden and Norway.], Fauna och flora: 16, 1-20.

Keywords: breeding, numbers, Lapland, Sweden, Finland, Muonio, spring mirgation, autumn

Number of results: 20