Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ornis Svecica

Volume: 17 , Pages: 154-186.

Language: English


Full reference: Kampe-Persson, H. & Lerner, H. 2007. Occurrence of hybrid geese in Sweden – a conservation problem? Ornis Svecica 17: 154-186.

Keywords: occurence, hybrids

Literature type: Book

Language: English

Full reference: Huntley, B., Green, R.E., Collingham,, Y.C. & Willis, S.G. 2007. A climatic atlas of European breeding birds. , Durham University, The RSPB and Lynx Editions, Barcelona. 521pp.

Keywords: past, present distribution, climate, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, habitat, breeding range,

Literature type: Book

Language: English

Full reference: Ratcliffe, D. 2005. Lapland: a natural history. , T & AD Poyser, London. 352pp.

Keywords: Lapland, Finnmark, breeding, Lakselv, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Blair, Vadsø

Literature type: General

Journal: Fåglar i Västerbotten

Volume: 30 , Pages: 2-8.

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)


Full reference: Hansson, P. 2005. Kan fjällgåsen, Anser erythropus, någonsin komma tilbaks till Västerbotten? [Can the Lesser White-fronted Goose ever return til Västerbotten?], Fåglar i Västerbotten: 30, 2-8.

Keywords: reintroduction, Sverige, Sweden

Literature type: General

Journal: Vår Fågelvärld

Volume: 3/2004 , Pages: 16-21.

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)


Full reference: Andersson, Å., Gladh, L. & Larsson, T. 2004. Hur går det för fjällgåsen i Sverige? Lägesrapport från svenska fjällgåsprojektet. Vår Fågelvärld : 3/2004, 16-21.

Keywords: Sweden, reintroduction

Literature type: General

Journal: Vår Fågelvärld

Volume: 3/2003 , Pages: 6-12.

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)


Full reference: Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 2003. Fjällgås. Finns det hopp för Skandinaviens ”sjungande gäss"? [Lesser White-fronted Goose. Is there hope for Scandinavias "singing goose"?], Vår Fågelvärld : 3/2003, 6-12.

Keywords: Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, conservation, status

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: Tegelström, H., Ruokonen, M. & Löfgren, S. 2001. The genetic status of the captive Lesser White-fronted Geese used for breeding and reintroduction in Sweden and Finland. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 2000. WWF Finland Report 13 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2001: pp. 37-39.

Keywords: Annual report, monitoring, reintroduction

Literature type: General

Language: English

Full reference: Kampe-Persson, H. 2001. Is Donana of importance for Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus? Anuario Ornitológico de Donana 1 1999-2001: 154-162.

Keywords: occurrence, reintroduction, colour ring, resighting, Sweden, Spain, Finland, observation

Literature type: Book

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)


Full reference: Olsson, C. & Vikund, J. 1999. Västerbottens fågIar. [Birds of Västerbotten.] , Förlagshuset Nordens Grafiska, Umeå.

Keywords: Sweden, distribution, numbers, migration

Literature type: General

Journal: Dutch Birding

Volume: 20 , Pages: 111-113.

Language: Dutch (In Dutch with English summary)


Full reference: Cottaar, F. & Brouwer, R. 1998. Niew overwinteringsgebied voor Dwergganzen in Nederland. [New wintering area for Lesser White-fronted Goose in the Netherlands.], Dutch Birding: 20, 111-113.

Keywords: reintroduction, wintering area, Sweden

Number of results: 42