Literature type: Report
Language: English (In Chinese & English)
Full reference: Liying, S. & Lifang, T. (eds). 2015. Synchronized counts for migratory cranes and waterbirds in spring 2015. , Cranes and waterbirds migration briefs 2015 No.5. 19pp.
Keywords: counts, China, distribution
Literature type: Report
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Lampila, P. & Eskelin, T. 2015. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus) in Northern Iran. , AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series No. 4. Bonn, Germany.
Keywords: Iran, winter survey
Literature type: General
Journal: Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift
Volume: 109 , Pages: 41-112.
Language: Danish (In Danish)
Full reference: Christensen, J.S. & Rasmussen, P.A.F. 2015. Revideret status for sjældne fugle i Danmark før 1965. [Revised status of rare birds in Denmark before 1965.], Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift: 109, 41-112.
Keywords: rarity, Denmark, occurrence, revision
Literature type: Scientific
Language: Russian (In Russian with English summary)
Download:Full reference: Aybatov, T.M. Zeyniev, O.A., Mustafaev, I.M., Suleimanov, T.Y. & Suleimanova, M.B. 2015. [New findings Anser erythropus L. from Binagadi Pleistocene deposits of Azerbaijan.], .
Keywords: Pleistocene, paleornitofauna, Quaternary burial, osteological material, Azerbaijan
Binagadi Quaternary burial location is unique and the largest cemetery of World Pleistocene flora and fauna. Since the discovery of an ancient lake in 1938, members of staff of the Museum of Natural History after G. Zardabi together with Russian specialists did a lot of work in the way of systematic definition of species diversity fossil flora and fauna, the results of it were periodically published. Till now paleornitofauna of Binagadi Quaternary burial was represented by 109 species of fossil birds, 22 species were from the order Anseriformes - waterfowl belonging to the suborder Anseres. During the analysis of fossil material (from the old and new excavations) bones of Lesser White-fronted were found. Binagadi brea beds have not been previously described. This article describes the Lesser White-fronted (Anser erythropus L.) of the genus Anser, the tribe Anserini for the sole right ulna. Availability of comparative osteological material stored in the Museum of Natural History after G. Zardabi, allows exact determination of species, cosidering that the fossil Lesser White-fronted by morphological characteristics is not much different from the one which lives in our days.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volume: 527–528 , Pages: 279–286.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.083
Language: English
Full reference: Aloupi, M., Kazantzidis, S., Akriotis, T., Bantikou, E. & Hatzidaki, V.-O. 2015. Lesser White-fronted (Anser erythropus) and Greater White-fronted (A. albifrons) Geese wintering in Greek wetlands are not threatened by Pb through shot ingestion. Science of the Total Environment 527–528: 279–286.
Keywords: Non-invasive monitoring, Soil ingestion, Pb–Al relationship, Anser albifrons, Anser erythropus, Lead shot, Greece, hunting,
Fecal lead (Pb) levels were investigated in the threatened European population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (LWfG, Anser erythropus) and of the non-threatened Greater White-fronted Goose (GWfG, Anser albifrons) wintering in two wetland areas in northern Greece in order to assess the potential risk from Pb exposure. Fecal, soil and food plant samples were analyzed. Levels of Pb were normalized using Al concentrations in order to sep-arate the effect of possible ingestion of Pb shot from that of soil or sediment accidentally ingested with food. All concentrations are expressed on a dry weight basis. Geometric means of Pb content in the feces of LWfG were 6.24 mg/kg at Evros Delta and 7.34 mg/kg at Lake Kerkini (maximum values of 28.61 mg/kg and 36.68 mg/kg, re-spectively); for fecal samples of GWfG geometric means were 2.39 mg/kg at Evros Delta and 6.90 mg/kg at Kerkini (corresponding maximum values of 25.09 mg/kg and 42.26 mg/kg). Soil Pb was in the range of 5.2–60.2 mg/kg (geometric mean = 22.6 mg/kg) for the Evros Delta and between 13.4 and 64.9 mg/kg (geometric mean = 28.1 mg/kg) for Kerkini. A general linear model fitted to the data showed that Pb levels were very closely dependent on Al levels in the feces from both species and at both sites indicating soil or sediment were the only significant source of Pb; species and site, as well as their interaction, were not statistically significant factors. For both species and at both sites exposure to Pb was evidently very mild and the observed levels of Pb were well below the proposed thresholds for lethal or sublethal effects of Pb poisoning. Soil ingestion appeared to gradually increase from October to De-cember for LWfG at Kerkini, corresponding to a gradual depletion of their food source.
Number of results: 15