Literature type: Red list
Journal: 2011
(In English and Mongolian)
Full reference: Gombobaatar, S., Monks, E.M. (compilers), Seidler, R., Sumiya, D., Tseveenmyadag, N., Bayarkhuu, S., Baillie, J.E.M., Boldbaatar, Sh. & Uuganbayar, Ch. (editors) 2011. Mongolian Red list of birds. , Regional Red Lists Series Vol. 7. Birds. Zoologial Society of London, National University of Mongolia and Mongolian Ornithological society. 1036 pp.
Keywords: Red List, Mongolia, taxonomy, distribution, numbers, threats, conservation
Literature type: Red list
(In English and Mongolian)
Full reference: Gombobaatar, S. & Monks, E.M., Seidler, R., Sumyia, D., Tseveenmyadag, N., Bayarkhuu, S., Baillie, J.E., Boldbataar, Sh. & Uuganbayar, Ch. 2011. Mongolian Red List of birds. , Regional red list of birds. Vol.7. Zoological Society of London, National university of Mongolia & Mongolian ornithological Society.
Keywords: Red list, Mongolia, taxonomy, distribution, ecology, threats, conservation
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ibis
Volume: 55 , Pages: 398-402.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1913.tb06560.x
Full reference: Lönnberg. E. 1913. On the Linnean names Strix funerea and Anser erythropus, and on the species which should be referred to them. Ibis 55: 398-402.
Keywords: taxonomy
Number of results: 3