Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Bulgarian
Download:Full reference: Iankov, P. & Dobrev, D. 2018. [Action plan for conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) in Bulgaria 2018-2027.] , MOCV, Sofia. 76 pp.
Keywords: Action plan, Bulgaria
Literature type: Report
Language: Bulgarian (In Bulgarian)
Download:Full reference: Dereliev, S. 2000. [Results of the monitoring of wintering geese in Durankulak and Shabla lakes for the period 1995-2000.] , Bulgarian - Swiss biodiversity programme , Bulgarian society for the protection of birds/BirdLife Bulgaria, Varna, 88 pp.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Petkov, N., Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 1999. Occurrence of Lesser White-fronted Geese in north-east Bulgaria in February 1998. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1998. WWF Finland Report 10 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF rapportserie Report No 1-1999.: pp. 9-11.
Keywords: conservation, monitoring, Fennoscandian annual
Literature type: General
Journal: Branta
Volume: 2 , Pages: 15.
Language: Bulgarian (In French)
Download:Full reference: Simeonov, P.,Zehtindjiev, P. & Dilchev, N. 1998. Recensement hivernal d'oiseaux d'eau en Dobrudja Bulgare (janvier 1997). [Winter count of waterfowl birds in Dobrugea, Bulgaria (January 1997)..], Branta: 2, 15.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: Branta
Volume: 3 , Pages: 24-25.
Language: Bulgarian (In French)
Download:Full reference: Anonymous 1998. Quand les shasseurs de "l'Uest" ravagent les sites protégés de "l'Est". [When hunters of the West devastate protected areas of the East.], Branta: 3, 24-25.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: Za ptizite
Volume: 1 , Pages: 13.
Language: Bulgarian (In Bulgarian)
Download:Full reference: Aarvak, T., Øien, I.J. & Kostadinova, I. 1997. Oshte za malkata belochela guska v Bulgaria. [More facts on the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Bulgaria.], Za ptizite: 1, 13.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: Za ptizite
Volume: 1 , Pages: 13.
Language: Bulgarian (In Bulgarian)
Download:Full reference: Aarvak, T., Oien, I. Petkov, N., Kostadinova, I. & Iankov, P. 1997. Oshte za malkata belochela guska v Bulgaria. Za ptizite: 1, 13.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: Neophron
Volume: 1 , Pages: 18.
Language: Bulgarian (In Bulgarian)
Download:Full reference: Velinov, E. & Ivanov, B. 1996. [The lesser white fronted goose (Anser erythropus).], Neophron: 1, 18.
Keywords: Bulgaria
Literature type: General
Journal: Za ptizite
Volume: 2 , Pages: 19.
Language: Bulgarian (In Bulgarian)
Download:Full reference: Iankov, P. 1996. [Partnership in action. Satellites for migrating birds.], Za ptizite: 2, 19.
Keywords: satellite tracking, Bulgaria
Number of results: 23