Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Russian Journal of Ecology

Volume: 41 , Pages: 63-66.

Language: Russian (In Russian)


Full reference: Romanov, A.A. & Pospelov, I.N. 2012. [Intracontinental spatial connections of lesser white-fronted geese (Anser erythropus) from mountain subarctic regions of the Central Palearctic], Russian Journal of Ecology 41: 63-66.

Keywords: Putorana, migration, satellite telemetry,

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: Øien, I.J., Aarvak, T., Ekker, I.J. & Tolvanen, P. 2009. Mapping of migration routes of the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose breeding population with profound implications for conservation priorities. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 12-18.

Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian, satellite telemetry

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Bird Conservation International

Volume: 13 , Pages: 213-226.

DOI: 10.1017/S0959270903003174

Language: English

External Link:


Full reference: Aarvak, T. & Øien, I.J. 2003. Moult and autumn migration of non-breeding Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus mapped by satellite telemetry. Bird Conservation International 13: 213-226. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0959270903003174

Keywords: migration


In this study we demonstrate that non-breeding adult Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus from the Fennoscandian breeding population may undertake long-distance moult migration eastwards. Of three individuals equipped with satellite transmitters at a spring staging site in northern Norway, two migrated to moulting sites in the area of Kolgujev Island and Kanin Peninsula, while the third headed towards the Taimyr Peninsula, all in northern Russia. The first leg of the moult migration route for non-breeders was between Finnmark, Norway and the Kanin Peninsula area in north-western Russia, a similar route to that taken on autumn migration by Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Geese that had bred successfully. After the moulting period, one of the individuals followed a south-western route to Poland and Germany, where it spent the first part of the winter. The satellite signals from the other two geese ceased abruptly in early autumn, indicating that the birds may have been illegally shot in Russia. Locating new moulting and migration stopover sites is of crucial importance for the conservation of the critically endangered Fennoscandian subpopulation of this species.

Literature type: Proceedings

Language: English


Full reference: Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 2001. Conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose: New Results from Satellite Telemetry. , In: Riede, K. (Ed.): New Perspectives for Monitoring Migratory Animals – Improving Knowledge for Conservation. – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag), 67-75.

Keywords: satellite telemetry, tracking, migration

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: Øien, I.J., Tolvanen, P., Aarvak, T., Litvin, K.E. & Markkola, J. 1999. Surveys and catching of Lesser White-fronted Geese at Taimyr Peninsula 1998 - preliminary results on autumn migration routes mapped by satellite telemetry. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1998. WWF Finland Report 10 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF rapportserie Report No 1-1999.: pp. 37-41.

Keywords: conservation, monitoring, Fennoscandian annual, Russia, Taimyr

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Biological Conservation

Volume: 84 , Pages: 47-52.

DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3207(97)00088-8

Language: English

Full reference: Lorentsen, S.-H., Øien, I.J., Aarvak, T. 1998. Migration of Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus mapped by satellite telemetry. Biological Conservation 84: 47-52. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0006-3207(97)00088-8

Keywords: migration, satellite tracking, Norway, Russia, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Evros delta, Ob


Since staging and wintering sites of the globally threatened lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus are poorly known, satellite transmitters were used to map autumn and winter migration routes of four individuals. After having spent c. 2 weeks at a post-moulting staging place in Finnmark, north Norway, all individuals flew directly to the Kanin Peninsula, northwest Russia. Later, two of the geese migrated along a westerly route to East Germany, where one of the geese disappeared, and to Hungary and Greece. The other two individuals followed an easterly route. One was shot close to the west side of the Ural mountains, whereas the other individual disappeared in the Ob valley, Russia. The results might indicate a higher hunting pressure along the eastern route than along the western route.

Literature type: General

Language: English


Full reference: Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 1997. Satellites track Russian Lesser White-fronts. Arctic Bulletin 3/97:17.

Keywords: satellite telemetry

Literature type: General

Journal: Vår Fuglefauna

Volume: 18 , Pages: 244-246.

Language: Norwegian (In Norwegian with English summary)


Full reference: Øien, I.J., Lorentsen, S-H., Aarvak, T. 1995. Skremmende tapsprosent for satelitt-merkede dverggjess. Den farlige veien mot vinterlandet. [Scary high loss of satellite transmitter tagged lesser white-fronted geese. The dangerous journey to the winter land.], Vår Fuglefauna: 18, 244-246.

Keywords: satellite telemetry, mortality, satellite tracking

Number of results: 8