Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Lee, R., Cranswick, P.A. Hilton, G.M. & Jarrett, N.S. 2010. Feasibility study for a re-introduction/supplementation programme for the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Norway. , WWT Report to the Directorate for Nature Management, Norway. 130pp.

Keywords: reintroduction, translocation, population, mortality, feasibility, re-introduction, supplementation, Norway, Fennoscandia, life-history, captive breeding, zoo,

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Banks, A.N., Wright, L.J., Maclean, I.M.D., Hann, C. & Rehfisch, M.M. 2008. Review of the status of introduced non-native waterbird species in the area of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement: 2007 Update. , BTO Research Report No. 489.

Keywords: re-introduction, feral, captivity, genetics, escapee

Literature type: Rep.article

Language: English


Full reference: von Essen, L. 1999. The swedish reintroduction project of Lesser White-fronted Geese. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1998. WWF Finland Report 10 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF rapportserie Report No 1-1999.: pp. 53-55.

Keywords: conservation, monitoring, Fennoscandian annual, reintroduction, re-introduction

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ardea

Volume: 79 , Pages: 305-206.

Language: English

Full reference: von Essen, L. 1991. A note on the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Sweden and the result of a re-introduction scheme. Ardea 79: 305-206.

Keywords: reintroduction

Number of results: 4