Literature type: Proceedings
(In Finnish)
Full reference: WWF Finland 2014. WWF:n kiljuhanhityöryhmä 30 vuotta. Juhlaseminaari 1.11.2014. Ohjelma ja esitelmien tiivistelmät. [The Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project of WWF Finland. 30th anniversary seminar, 1 November 2014. Programme and abstracts.] , WWF Finland. 20 pp.
Keywords: population development, conservation, Finland, anniversary
Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca)
Volume: 14 , Pages: 29-53.
(In English with Russian summary)
Full reference: Mooji, J. 2011. Goose populations in Europe: past, present and future. Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca): 14, 29-53.
Keywords: Russian, hunting, population development
Literature type: Proceedings
Full reference: Syroechkovskiy Jr., E.E. 2006. Long-term declines in Arctic goose populations in eastern Asia. , Waterbirds around the world. Eds. G.C. Boere, C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 649-662.
Keywords: population development, distribution
Number of results: 3