Literature type: Red list
Full reference: Kondratyev A.V. & Litovka D.I. 2022. Красная книга Чукотского автономного округа: В 2 т. Т. 1. Редкие и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды животных. [Red book of Chukotka autonomous okrug. The rare and endangered species of animals.] , OOO Teksotel, Nizhny Novgorod. 225 pp.
Keywords: Chukotka, Russia, Bilibinsky, Chaunsky, Red list, population size, hunting, hunting ban,
Literature type: General
Journal: Tringa
Volume: 2/2020 , Pages: 47-50.
(In Finnish)
Full reference: Tolvanen, P. 2020. Voiko Tringan alueella vielä nähdä villin ja vapaan kiljuhanhen? [Is it still possible to see a wild LWfG in of the region of Uusimaa, southern Finland?], Tringa: 2/2020, 47-50.
Keywords: Finland, occurrence, distribution, numbers, population size, satellite tracking, mr. Blue
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Cuthbert, R. & Aarvak, T. 2017. Population estimates and survey methods for migratory goose species in Northern Kazakhstan. , AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series No. 5. Bonn, Germany. 96pp.
Keywords: population estimate, population size, survey, Kazakhstan, Russia, Kostanay, Kustanay, Akmola, North Kazakhstan,
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Bird Conservation International
Volume: 26 , Pages: 397-417.
DOI: 10.1017/S0959270915000386
Full reference: Jia, Q., Koyama, K., Choi, C.-Y., Kim, H.-J., Cao, L., Liu, G. & Fox, A. 2016. Population estimates and geographical distributions of swans and geese in East Asia based on counts during the non-breeding season. Bird Conservation International 26: 397-417.
Keywords: Population size, survey, South Korea, Japan, China,
For the first time, we estimated the population sizes of two swan species and four goose species from observations during the non-breeding period in East Asia. Based on combined counts from South Korea, Japan and China, we estimated the total abundance of these species as follows: 42,000–47,000 Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus; 99,000–141,000 Tundra Swans C. columbianus bewickii; 56,000–98,000 Swan Geese Anser cygnoides; 157,000–194,000 Bean Geese A. fabalis; 231,000–283,000 Greater White-fronted Geese A. albifrons; and 14,000–19,000 Lesser White-fronted Geese A. erythropus. While the count data from Korea and Japan provide a good reflection of numbers present, there remain gaps in the coverage in China, which particularly affect the precision of the estimates for Bean, Greater and Lesser White-fronted Geese as well as Tundra Swans. Lack of subspecies distinction of Bean Geese in China until recently also limits our ability to determine the true status of A. f. middendorffii there, but all indications suggest this population numbers around 18,000 individuals and is in need of urgent attention. The small, highly concentrated and declining numbers of Lesser White-fronted Geese give concern for this species, as do the major declines in Greater White-fronted Geese in China (in contrast to numbers in Japan and Korea, considered to be a separate flyway). In the absence of any demographic data, it is impossible to interpret the causes of these changes in abundance. Improved monitoring, including demographic and tracking studies are required to provide the necessary information to retain populations in favourable conservation status.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ornis Svecica
Volume: 20 , Pages: 115-127.
Full reference: Fox, A.D., Ebbinge, B.S., Mitchell, C., Heniicke, T., Aarvak, T., Colhoun, K., Clausen, P., Dereliev, S., Faragó, S., Koffijberg, K., Kruckenberg, H., 2010. Current estimates of goose population sizes in western Europe, a gap analysis and an assessment of trends. Ornis Svecica 20: 115-127.
Keywords: population size, review, gap analysis, Fennoscandia
We estimated the size of 30 defined populations of geese wintering in the Western Palearctic (including five released or reintroduced populations of three species). Fourteen populations were accurately estimated from almost full count coverage or robust sampling and ten were well estimated based on more than 50% of their total being counted. An estimated 5.03 million geese wintered in January 2009, up on 3.10 million in January 1993. Only two populations numbered less than 10,000 birds (Scandinavian Lesser White-fronted Goose and Svalbard/ Greenland Light-bellied Brent Goose, the former being critically small within restricted range). Eighteen populations numbered 10,000–100,000, eight 100,000– 1,000,000 and the largest 1.2 million individuals. Of 21 populations with known longer term trends, 16 are showing significant exponential increases, 4 are stable and one declining. Amongst these same populations, five are declining since the 1990s. Long term declines in productivity were found in 7 out of 15 populations. Amongst most of the 11 populations for which data exist, there were no significant long-term trends in annual adult survival. Improved monitoring, including demographic, is required to retain populations in favorable conservation status.
Literature type: Rep.article
Full reference: Aarvak, T., Leinonen, A., Øien, I.J. & Tolvanen, P. 2009. Population size estimation of the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose based on individual recognition and colour ringing. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 71-75.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: Report
(In Norwegian)
Full reference: Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 1993. Status for dverggås Anser erythropus i Fennoskandia. En oversikt over Dverggåsprosjektets virksomhet 1987-1992. [Status of Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Fennoscandia. An overview of project activities 1987-1992.] , Rapport nr. 52 fra Dverggåsprosjektet. Norsk Ornitologisk Forening, Klæbu. 47s
Keywords: breeding, population size, status, Norway, Sweden, Finland, monitoring, occurrence, Finnmark
Number of results: 7