Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Munis Entomology & Zoology
Volume: 18 , Pages: 324-329
Full reference: Mustafayev, I. 2023. The new evidence of fossil lesser white-fronted goose in the late Pleistocene sediments of Binagada asphalt lake, Azerbaijan. Munis Entomology & Zoology 18: 324-329
Keywords: Azerbaijan, Binagada Asphalt Lake, Pleistocene, osteological, fossil, ulna
Binagada Asphalt Lake is unique and the largest faunal and floral asphalt assemblage. Since the discovery of the Binagada Asphalt Lake in 1938, members of staff of the Museum of Natural History together with Russian specialists did a lot of work in the way of systematic definition of species diversity fossil flora and fauna, the results of it were periodically published. A new species of Lesser White-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) for the Binagada fauna is described from the Binagada Asphalt Lake, which have yielded a common vertebrate fossil assemblages referred to the Late Pleistocene. The ulna of Lesser White-fronted goose is distinct from Anser anser and Anser albifrons, in that it lesser size and the morphological features of shape cotyla dorsale. At the moment, the paleornitofauna of Late Pleistocene asphalt deposits of Binagada numbered 116 species of birds, including 23 species of Anseriformes. The comparative osteological material stored in the Museum of Natural History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Literature type: Scientific
(In Russian with English summary)
Full reference: Aybatov, T.M. Zeyniev, O.A., Mustafaev, I.M., Suleimanov, T.Y. & Suleimanova, M.B. 2015. [New findings Anser erythropus L. from Binagadi Pleistocene deposits of Azerbaijan.], .
Keywords: Pleistocene, paleornitofauna, Quaternary burial, osteological material, Azerbaijan
Binagadi Quaternary burial location is unique and the largest cemetery of World Pleistocene flora and fauna. Since the discovery of an ancient lake in 1938, members of staff of the Museum of Natural History after G. Zardabi together with Russian specialists did a lot of work in the way of systematic definition of species diversity fossil flora and fauna, the results of it were periodically published. Till now paleornitofauna of Binagadi Quaternary burial was represented by 109 species of fossil birds, 22 species were from the order Anseriformes - waterfowl belonging to the suborder Anseres. During the analysis of fossil material (from the old and new excavations) bones of Lesser White-fronted were found. Binagadi brea beds have not been previously described. This article describes the Lesser White-fronted (Anser erythropus L.) of the genus Anser, the tribe Anserini for the sole right ulna. Availability of comparative osteological material stored in the Museum of Natural History after G. Zardabi, allows exact determination of species, cosidering that the fossil Lesser White-fronted by morphological characteristics is not much different from the one which lives in our days.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Volume: 13 , Pages: 532-540.
DOI: DOI: 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2000.00184.x
Full reference: Ruokonen, M., Kvist, L. & Lumme, J. 2000. Close relatedness between mitochondrial DNA from seven Anser goose species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 532-540. 10.1046/j.1420-9101.2000.00184.x
Keywords: control region, mtDNA, nuclear copy, phylogeny, Pleistocene
The phylogenetic relationships of seven goose species and two of the subspecies representing the genus Anser were studied by approximately 1180 bp of mitochondrial DNA tRNAglu, control region and tRNAphe sequences. Despite obvious morphological and behavioural affinities among the species, their evolutionary relationships have not been studied previously. The small amount of genetic differentiation observed in the mitochondrial DNA indicates an extremely close evolutionary relationship between the Anser species. The sequence divergences between the species (0.9±5.5%) are among the lowest reported for avian species with speciation events of Anser geese dating to late Pliocene and Pleistocene. The species grouped into four mtDNA lineages: (1) snow and Ross' goose, (2) greylag goose, (3) white-fronted goose, and (4) bean, pink-footed and lesser white-fronted goose. The phylogenetic relationships of the most closely related species, bean, pink-footed and lesser white-fronted goose, indicate a period of rapid cladogenesis. The poor agreement between morphological relationships and the phylogenetic relationships indicated by mtDNA sequences implies that either ancestral polymorphism and lineage sorting, hybridization and introgression or convergent evolution has been involved.
Number of results: 3