Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ecology and Evolution
Volume: 2021;00 , Pages: 1-14.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7310
Full reference: Tian, H., Solovyeva, d., Danilov, G., Vartanyan, S., Wen,L., Lei, J., Lu, C., Bridgewater, P., Lei, G. & Zeng, Q. 2021. Combining modern tracking data and historical records improves understanding of the summer habitats of the Eastern Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00: 1-14.
Keywords: Asia, Arctic, eastern population, GPS tracking, Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus, species distribution modeling, summer range
The Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus), smallest of the “gray” geese, is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and protected in all range states. There are three populations, with the least studied being the Eastern population, shared between Russia and China. The extreme remoteness of breeding enclaves makes them largely inaccessible to researchers. As a substitute for visitation, remotely tracking birds from wintering grounds allows exploration of their summer range. Over a period of three years, and using highly accurate GPS tracking devices, eleven individuals of A. erythropus were tracked from the key wintering site of China, to summering, and staging sites in northeastern Russia. Data obtained from that tracking, bolstered byground survey and literature records, were used to model the summer distribution of A. erythropus. Although earlier literature describes a patchy summer range, the model suggests a contiguous summer habitat range is possible, although observations to date cannot confirm A. erythropus is present throughout the modeled range. The most suitable habitats are located along the coasts of the Laptev Sea, primarily the Lena Delta, in the Yana-Kolyma Lowland, and smaller lowlands of Chukotka with narrow riparian extensions upstream along major rivers such as the Lena, Indigirka,and Kolyma. The probability of A. erythropus presence is related to areas with altitude less than 500 m with abundant wetlands, especially riparian habitat, and a climate with precipitation of the warmest quarter around 55 mm and mean temperature around 14°C during June-August. Human disturbance also affects site suitability, with a gradual decrease in species presence starting around 160 km from human settlements. Remote tracking of animal species can bridge the knowledge gap required for robust estimation of species distribution patterns in remote areas. Better knowledge of species' distribution is important in understanding the large-scale ecological consequences of rapid global change and establishing conservation management strategies.
Literature type: General
Journal: Sandgrouse
Volume: 41 , Pages: 2-4
Full reference: Aghababyan, K. 2019. Summer observations of Lesser Whitefronted Goose Anser erythropus and Spurwinged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus in Armenia Sandgrouse: 41, 2-4
Keywords: Armenia, summer observation, occurrence
Literature type: Book
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Ryd, Y. 2007. Ren och Varg. Samer berättar. [Reindeer and wolves. Sami tells.] , Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm. 265pp.
Keywords: moulting, dogs, catching, Sweden, extinction, summer, behaviour, occurrence
Literature type: Rep.article
Full reference: Markkola, J. & Arkiomaa, A. 1997. Tagging efforts in Siberia: Taimyr, summer 1997. , In: Tolvanen, P., Ruokolainen, K., Markkola, J. & Karvonen, R. (eds). Finnish Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1997. WWF Finland Report No 9: pp. 27-29.
Literature type: Rep.article
Full reference: Karvonen, R. & Alhainen, J. 1997. Tagging efforts in Siberia: Yamal, summer 1997. , In: Tolvanen, P., Ruokolainen, K., Markkola, J. & Karvonen, R. (eds). Finnish Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1997. WWF Finland Report No 9: pp. 24-26.
Literature type: Book
Full reference: Pearson, H.J. 1904. Three summers among birds of Russian lapland. , R.H. Porter, London.
Number of results: 7