Literature type: Report
Full reference: Karmiris, I., Papachristou, T., Platis, P. & Kazantzidis, S. 2014. The diet of the wintering Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus L., 1758) in two wetlands in Greece. , Final Rep., action A5, LIFE10NAT/GR/000638 project “Safeguarding the Lesser White–fronted goose Fennoscandian population in key wintering and staging sites within the European flyway». Hellenic Agr. Org. “DEMETER”/Forest Res. Inst., Thessaloniki, Greece.
Keywords: Greece, diet, food, selection, availability, Kerkini, Evros delta, droppings, habitat use, vegetation, EU-Life
Number of results: 1