Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Bird Conservation International
Volume: 35 , Pages: e1. doi:10.1017/S0959270924000285
DOI: 10.1017/S0959270924000285
Full reference: Solovyeva, D., Lei, J., Tian, H., Fan, R., Vartanyan, S., Danilov, G., Barykina, D., Lu, C. & Lei, G. 2025. New information on the breeding and moulting ecology of the Eastern population of Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus from GPS/GSM tracking data. Bird Conservation International 35: e1. doi:10.1017/S0959270924000285
Keywords: China, Russia, moulting site, breeding propensity, site fidelity, nest success, timing of nesting, Olenyok River, Anadyr River, East Siberia
The Eastern population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (EPLWFG) Anser erythropus is shared between Russia and China. The summer range of the EPLWFG has been recognised as a continuous area extending from the Olenyok River in the west to the Anadyr River in the east and northwards from 64°N. The aim of this study was to provide information on breeding behaviour; nest-sites, nesting habitats, and time of nesting; nesting success; timing of summer movements including moult migration; moult timing, duration, and moulting habitats; site fidelity; and the effect of human presence. To accomplish this, we combined the results from field surveys with GPS/GSM tracking. A total of 30 summer tracks from 19 individual EPLWFG were analysed. We estimated breeding propensity in 93.8% of adult LWFG, and this factor did not seem to depend on breeding success in the previous season. Reproductive success was 13.3% in all nesting attempts. Non-breeders arrived three-week later and departed a week earlier. The EPLWFG are highly mobile during the summer. The core moulting site for the entire EPLWFG was discovered by this study and is located along the lower reaches of the San-Yuryakh and Kyuanekhtyakh rivers flowing towards the Omulyakhskaya Bay of the East Siberian Sea. The EPLWFG flightless period was 24.8 ± 2.8 days. A part of failured EPLWFG (43.7 %) migrated back to its early summer breeding/staging site after having completed moult. The strong site fidelity (100%) of adult birds to both nesting and moulting sites promotes the formation of local breeding populations, which could be considered conservation units if genetic studies support this differentiation. The EPLWFG selects the remotest and least human-accessible area for their remigial moult, and the main site was discovered with the help of tracking.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Wildfowl
Volume: 74 , Pages: 53-68
Full reference: Solovyeva, D., Rozenfeld, s., Barykina, D., Kirtaev, G., Danilova, V., Meng, F., Cao, L., Lei, G. & Zeng, Q. 2024. Estimated size of the Eastern population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus revealed from aerial surveys of key moulting sites. Wildfowl 74: 53-68
Keywords: aerial survey, moulting period, newly-discovered site, population estimate, eastern populatio, China
The Eastern population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (EPLWFG) breeds and moults in Russia and the majority winter in China. Intensive surveys of lakes in the Yangtze River floodplain and in Japan estimated the EPLWFG at 6,600 individuals in 2020 compared to 14,000–19,000 in 2016. Waterfowl are easier to count when concentrated in relatively small areas at key times of the year, and the non-breeding and failed breeding elements of the EPLWFG (an estimated 87% of the population) concentrate at remote moulting sites from early July to mid-August during remigial moult. Locations of GPS-tagged EPLWFG (non-breeding birds and failed breeders), which moulted between 25 June and 17 August, recorded during an earlier study, were plotted on maps of the key moulting region, along the San-Yuryakh and Kyuanekhtyakh Rivers which flow into Omulyakhskaya Bay. An aerial survey undertaken in July 2021 aimed to cover as many locations of the tracked individuals as possible, together with Svyatoy Nos Cape and the New Siberian Islands (where the species was also thought to moult), to count the numbers of geese moulting in these areas. Moulting sites on the delta of the Lena River were also surveyed from the air during the EPLWFG moulting periods in 2019 and 2020. Goose groups were photographed and digitally tagged to GPS coordinates, generating a database which included a date/time stamp to the nearest second, coordinates to the nearest 0.000001 degree, and a picture ID. Photographs were processed using Adobe Photoshop V 21.1.3 software. From detection rates in the survey area, we were able to assess the extent of similar habitat elsewhere in the EPLWFG moulting range, to obtain an estimate of the potential total population size. Moulting EPLWFG were found on Bolshoy Lyakhovaskiy Island in the New Siberian Islands, a new site discovered during this study. A total of 9,373 EPLWFG was counted in moulting flocks at all known and newly discovered moulting sites. The extrapolated estimate for the number of non-breeding and failed breeding birds, on taking the expanded area of suitable habitat into account, was of potentially 24,060 geese. Considering that c. 10% of EPLWFG are successful breeders (i.e. remain on their breeding sites and do not join the moulting flocks), we propose that the overall population size could be as high as 26,733 individuals, excluding offspring of the year.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Journal of Threatened Taxa
Volume: 15 , Pages: 23273–23275
DOI: 10.11609/jott.8432.15.5.23273-23275
Full reference: Shivakumar, B. & Praphul, G. 2023. Sighting of Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Anseriformes: Anatidae) in Hadinaru Kere, Mysuru, India Journal of Threatened Taxa 15: 23273–23275
Keywords: observation, India, Hadinaru Lake, Karnataka State
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Wildfowl
Volume: 73 , Pages: 238–249
Full reference: Pokrovskaya, O., Sokolova, N., Erich, D., Gilg, O., Sokolov, V. & Sokolov, A. 2023. Globally threatened Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus nesting in association with Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in southern Yamal, Russia. Wildfowl 73: 238–249
Keywords: breeding biology, nest association, nest protection, peregrine falcon, Siberia, arctic
Knowledge about the breeding biology and potential threats on the breeding grounds is important for conservation of threatened species. The main breeding range of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (LWFG) forms a belt along the southern part of the Russian arctic and, although their main nesting habitat has been described based on observations of broods or pairs with breeding behaviour, only very few observations of confirmed nests have been reported. Since 2006, we have encountered 36 nests of this rare species in the Erkuta River basin (in the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula), described their nesting habitat and found that 71% of nests were associated with territorial Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus. Such a nest association, already described for other Siberian wildfowl, is assumed to increase the nest survival of LWFG in areas with high predation rates, but also raises indirect conservation concerns since the Peregrine Falcon is itself a rare species in many regions of Russia.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Munis Entomology & Zoology
Volume: 18 , Pages: 324-329
Full reference: Mustafayev, I. 2023. The new evidence of fossil lesser white-fronted goose in the late Pleistocene sediments of Binagada asphalt lake, Azerbaijan. Munis Entomology & Zoology 18: 324-329
Keywords: Azerbaijan, Binagada Asphalt Lake, Pleistocene, osteological, fossil, ulna
Binagada Asphalt Lake is unique and the largest faunal and floral asphalt assemblage. Since the discovery of the Binagada Asphalt Lake in 1938, members of staff of the Museum of Natural History together with Russian specialists did a lot of work in the way of systematic definition of species diversity fossil flora and fauna, the results of it were periodically published. A new species of Lesser White-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) for the Binagada fauna is described from the Binagada Asphalt Lake, which have yielded a common vertebrate fossil assemblages referred to the Late Pleistocene. The ulna of Lesser White-fronted goose is distinct from Anser anser and Anser albifrons, in that it lesser size and the morphological features of shape cotyla dorsale. At the moment, the paleornitofauna of Late Pleistocene asphalt deposits of Binagada numbered 116 species of birds, including 23 species of Anseriformes. The comparative osteological material stored in the Museum of Natural History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume: 281
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110028
Full reference: Marolla, F., Aarvak, T. Hamel, S., Ims, R.A., Kéry, M., Mellard, J.P., Nater, C.R., Schaub, M., Vougioukalou, M., Yoccoz, N.G. & Øien, I.J. 2023. Life-cycle analysis of an endangered migratory goose to assess the impact of conservation actions on population recovery. Biological Conservation 281.
Keywords: Goose management, State-space model, Management evaluation, Lesser white-fronted goose, Unmarked individuals, Non-breeding dynamics, migration
Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation actions is challenging for migratory species because a population can be impacted anywhere along its route. Conservation actions for the critically endangered Fennoscandian lesser white-fronted goose population include culling of red foxes in the breeding area and habitat improvements and reduction of illegal hunting in the non-breeding areas. One goal of the predator control strategy is to prevent adult birds from using an autumn migration route through western Asia, where mortality is believed to be higher than on the migration route through eastern Europe. We used 23 years of count data obtained at different staging areas to parameterize a seasonal state-space model describing the full-annual cycle dynamics of this population and evaluate whether the recent population recovery was linked to these conservation efforts. The results did not provide evidence that predator control influenced population recovery, as survival on the European route did not appear higher than on the allegedly riskier Asian route. However, adult survival at staging areas on both routes and at wintering sites may have improved in the last decade, suggesting a positive effect of the other conservation initiatives. These results emphasize the importance of including the non-breeding dynamics in population assessments of migratory species and highlight the challenge of evaluating the efficacy of separate conservation actions when a proper experimental design is unfeasible. Our study, which is a unique case of cross-national, coordinated conservation efforts, exemplifies how to model complex population dynamics to assess the influence of costly conservation initiatives.
Literature type: General
Journal: Die Vogelwelt
Volume: 141 , Pages: 101-110
Full reference: Kruckenberg, H. & Krüger, T. 2023. Current status of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Northwest Germany (Lower Saxony and Bremen), an important stop-over and wintering area. Die Vogelwelt: 141, 101-110
Keywords: reintrodcution, hunting, Germany, numbers, distribution
Since the 1950s Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus decreased dramatically all over the wide-spread breeding area (Mikander 2015). Nowadays Lesser Whitefronts are one of the most endangered waterbird species in Europe (BirdLife International 2015). Krüger & Kruckenberg (2011) could show that the species has been frequently observed in Lower Saxony since the beginning of the 20th century. From 2012-2015 a research project of NABU Lower Saxony intensively investigated the importance of Northwest Germany for this species. As a result we present new and supplemented data on the occurrence of Lesser White-fronts in Lower-Saxony for the period 1980–2016. In this period, a strong increase in the number of observations occurred, such that Lesser White-fronted Goose has stated as a regular, annually occurring migratory bird in Lower Saxony. The number of observations in Lower Saxony peaked in the years of 1999/2000 to 2007/08 and decreased thereafter. A clear pattern in spatial distribution can be identified in the northwest of Lower Saxony in the region of East Frisia. This includes the Dollard-Lower Ems-Region (Rheiderland, Emsmarschen) with the Krummhörn, including Leybucht, which are key sites for the species. Other important sites are the Middle Elbe and the Lower Elbe. Unfortunately, information about the origin of the birds is rare. More than half of the Swedish Lesser Whitefronts are colour-marked, but the occurrence of many unmarked birds presumably consists of a mixture of Russian and Norwegian birds. Taken together all data show Lower Saxony (Northwest Germany) as a part of the range of Lesser White-fronted Geese migrate to The Netherlands and probably also for wintering individuals. So, this should be incorporate in legislative protection (f.e. key species in Bird sanctuaries or hunting regulation).
Literature type: Thesis
Full reference: Markkola, J. 2022. Ecology and conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. , PhD thesis, Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. A Scientiae Rerum Naturalium 770. Faculty of Science, University of Oulu, Finland.
Keywords: spring arrival, Anser erythropus, Anser fabalis, breeding schedule, habitat, diet selection, meadow management, population genetic structure, Finland
I studied the rare and threatened lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus), abbreviated LWfG in 1989–1996 in sub-arctic Finnish Lapland (I). The studied subpopulation consisted of 2–15 breeding pairs annually. A total of 30 broods were observed with an average of 2.9 goslings per brood. The 1st year survival of tagged 10 geese was low. Satellite locations, recoveries and resightings were received from NW Russia, Kazakhstan and the Azov Sea area. Cold spells had a negative, and the sum of effective temperatures by 5 July a positive influence on reproduction. Habitat selection (II) was studied in the same area. LWfG preferred the vicinity of water, flat close-range landscape, low forest height and intermediate relative altitudes. LWfG aggregated in the vicinity of conspecifics within the preferred habitats. The averaged RSF model assigned observation and random points correctly with 83.4% success. Locations of historical observations of LWfG matched the predicted distribution of breeding sites. (III) Spring migration patterns on the Bothnian Bay coast of LWfG were examined in 1907–1916 and 1949–2014 and the taiga bean goose (Anser fabalis fabalis) in 1975–2014. Arrival of the short-distance migrant A. fabalis advanced more and earlier than the long-distance migrant A. erythropus, 10.9 days since late 1980’s vs. 5.3 days since the beginning of the 2000’s. In the LWfG, the best model for explaining variation in timing included global and local temperatures, in A. fabalis global and local temperatures and winter NAO. Increasing global temperatures seem to explain trends in both. In the spring staging places of the Bothnian Bay almost all dietary items of the LWfG were Monocotyledons, mostly grasses growing in extensive sea-shore meadows (IV). Only Phragmites, Festuca and possibly Triglochin palustris were preferred. Lesser White-fronts preferred extensive natural meadows. Mowing and grazing benefit the restoration of habitats. Genetic structuring of the LWfG was examined in its whole distribution area from Fennoscandia to East Asia (V). A fragment of the control region of mtDNA was sequenced from 110 individuals. 15 mtDNA haplotypes were assigned to two mtDNA lineages. Molecular variance showed significant structuring among populations: the main western in north-western Russia – Central Siberia, the main eastern in East Asia and the Nordic one, which earns a status as an independent management unit.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Land
Volume: 11 , Pages: 1946
DOI: 10.3390/land11111946
Full reference: Fan, R., Lei, J., Wu, E., Lu, C., Jia, Y., Zeng, Q. & Lei, G. 2022. Species distribution modelling of the breeding site distribution gaps of Lesser White-fronted Goose in Siberia under climate change. Land 11: 1946
Keywords: climate change, breeding sites, conservation gaps, species habitat conservation, Siberia, Russia
Climate change has become an important cause of the loss of bird habitat and changes in bird migration and reproduction. The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) has a wide range of migratory habits and is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. In this study, the distribution of suitable breeding grounds for the lesser white-fronted goose was assessed in Siberia, Russia, using a combination of satellite tracking and climate change data. The characteristics of the distribution of suitable breeding sites under different climate scenarios in the future were predicted using the Maxent model, and protection gaps were assessed. The analysis showed that under the background of future climate change, temperature and precipitation will be the main climatic factors affecting the distribution of breeding grounds, and the area associated with suitable breeding habitats will present a decreasing trend. Areas listed as an optimal habitat only accounted for 3.22% of the protected distribution; however, 1,029,386.341 km2 of optimal habitat was observed outside the protected area. Obtaining species distribution data is important for developing habitat protection in remote areas. The results presented here can provide a basis for developing species-specific habitat management strategies and indicate that additional attention should be focused on protecting open spaces.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ecology and Evolution
Volume: 2021;00 , Pages: 1-14.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7310
Full reference: Tian, H., Solovyeva, d., Danilov, G., Vartanyan, S., Wen,L., Lei, J., Lu, C., Bridgewater, P., Lei, G. & Zeng, Q. 2021. Combining modern tracking data and historical records improves understanding of the summer habitats of the Eastern Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00: 1-14.
Keywords: Asia, Arctic, eastern population, GPS tracking, Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus, species distribution modeling, summer range
The Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus), smallest of the “gray” geese, is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and protected in all range states. There are three populations, with the least studied being the Eastern population, shared between Russia and China. The extreme remoteness of breeding enclaves makes them largely inaccessible to researchers. As a substitute for visitation, remotely tracking birds from wintering grounds allows exploration of their summer range. Over a period of three years, and using highly accurate GPS tracking devices, eleven individuals of A. erythropus were tracked from the key wintering site of China, to summering, and staging sites in northeastern Russia. Data obtained from that tracking, bolstered byground survey and literature records, were used to model the summer distribution of A. erythropus. Although earlier literature describes a patchy summer range, the model suggests a contiguous summer habitat range is possible, although observations to date cannot confirm A. erythropus is present throughout the modeled range. The most suitable habitats are located along the coasts of the Laptev Sea, primarily the Lena Delta, in the Yana-Kolyma Lowland, and smaller lowlands of Chukotka with narrow riparian extensions upstream along major rivers such as the Lena, Indigirka,and Kolyma. The probability of A. erythropus presence is related to areas with altitude less than 500 m with abundant wetlands, especially riparian habitat, and a climate with precipitation of the warmest quarter around 55 mm and mean temperature around 14°C during June-August. Human disturbance also affects site suitability, with a gradual decrease in species presence starting around 160 km from human settlements. Remote tracking of animal species can bridge the knowledge gap required for robust estimation of species distribution patterns in remote areas. Better knowledge of species' distribution is important in understanding the large-scale ecological consequences of rapid global change and establishing conservation management strategies.
Number of results: 180