Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Quaternary International
Volume: 626-627 , Pages: 22-32
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.10.022
Full reference: Lloveras, L., Garcia, L., Marqueta, M., Maroto, J., Soler, J. & Soler, N. 2022. The role of birds in Upper Palaeolithic sites: Zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of the avian remains from Arbreda Cave (Seriny`a,northeast Iberia). Quaternary International 626-627: 22-32
Keywords: avian remains, small prey, subsistence, Iberian peninsula, Upper palaeolithic, Taphonomy
Intensification in the procurement of small game, including different taxa of birds, has been proposed as one of the indicators of dietary shifts occurring in western Mediterranean regions during the Upper Palaeolithic as a consequence of both increased human hunting pressures and environmental change. In this paper, avian remains recovered from the Upper Palaeolithic levels of Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, northeast Iberia) are analysed. Our results evidence a high diversity of bird taxa in most levels, with the presence of a minimum of 50 species, including birds that inhabit a variety of biotopes such as cliffs, rivers and wetlands, and open grassland, along with coniferous and mixed forests. Taphonomic analysis of the bird bones from all levels indicates a mixed origin for the material, humans being one of the agents responsible for the accumulations. The results show that birds were caught for consumption. However, wing feathers and phalanges were also extracted, probably for ornamental or ceremonial purposes. A significant number of tooth/beak-marked bones and digested remains also evidence the participation of different species of raptors and, to a lesser degree, of small terrestrial carnivores in creating these assemblages. Finally, some birds died naturally and were then incorporated into the archaeological record. This study contributes to the discussion of the importance of the exploitation of birds by hunter-gatherers during the Upper Palaeolithic in the region.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Int. J. Osteoarchaeol
Volume: 7 , Pages: 303-320.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1212(199707/08)7:4<303::AID-OA380>3.0.CO;2-R
Full reference: Cassoli, P.F. & Tagliacozzo, A. 1997. Butchering and Cooking of Birds in the Palaeolithic Site of Grotta Romanelli (Italy). Int. J. Osteoarchaeol 7: 303-320.<303::AID-OA380>3.0.CO;2-R
Keywords: bird bones, Italy, upper palaeolithic, butchering, cooking
Grotta Romanelli is one of the most important sites of the Italian palaeolithic. It contains a lithic industry from the Final Epigravettian, examples of rock and mobiliary art and numerous bone remains, among which were abundant remains of birds. Approximately 32 000 bird bones from over 3650 individuals and 109 species were identifed. The most common species were bustards, Otis tetrax and O. tarda, and three species of goose, Anser fabalis, A. albifrons and Branta bernicla. Traces of butchering and burning were evident on numerous bones. The nature and location of the cut marks and burning is described here. The analysis has involved mostly the hind limbs and the shoulder girdle where traces are most numerous. The cut marks reflect a codified sequence of actions of disarticulation and dismemberment.
Number of results: 2