Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ornis svecica
Volume: 31 , Pages: 125–138
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Liljebäck, N., Koffijberg, K., Kowallik, C., Månsson, J. & Andersson, Å. 2021. Use of foster parents in species conservation may cause conflicting objectives: Hybridization between Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus and Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis. Ornis svecica 31: 125–138
Keywords: reintroduction, foster parents, Sweden, hybridization
Following the use of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis as foster parents in a conservation program for the endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Sweden 1981–1999, mixed breeding pairs of the two species were established in the wild. We find indications that this was related to shared moulting habits of the two species in the Bothnian Sea during late 1990s. Starting in 2003, five mixed pairs produced at least 49 free-flying hybrid offspring until 2013, when the last breeding was confirmed. Reported numbers of hybrids did not increase in parallel to the production of young hybrids over time. After 2013, the number of hybrids started to decrease in Sweden and the Netherlands. Lower numbers of hybrids than expected can partly be explained by management actions taken, but may also be associated with low survival due to genetic outbreeding. Mixed pairs and their offspring entirely adopted the migratory habits of Barnacle Geese, overlapping very little with sites used by Lesser White-fronted Geese. We find no evidence that the hybrids ever posed a serious threat to Lesser White-fronted Geese breeding in Fennoscandia.
Literature type: General
Journal: Sandgrouse
Volume: 41 , Pages: 2-4
Language: English
Full reference: Aghababyan, K. 2019. Summer observations of Lesser Whitefronted Goose Anser erythropus and Spurwinged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus in Armenia Sandgrouse: 41, 2-4
Keywords: Armenia, summer observation, occurrence
Literature type: General
Journal: Forktail
Volume: 33 , Pages: 81-87.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Heim, W. & Smirensk, S.M. 2017. The importance of Muraviovka Park, Amur province, Far East Russia, for bird species threatened at regional, national and international level based on observations between 2011 and 2016. Forktail: 33, 81-87.
Literature type: General
Journal: Goose Bulletin
Volume: 21 , Pages: 12-31.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Rozenfeld, S., Kirtaev, G., Soloviev, M., Rogova, N. & Ivanov, M. 2016. The results of autumn counts of Lesser White-fronted Goose and other geese species in the Ob valley and White-sea-Baltic flyway in September. Goose Bulletin: 21, 12-31.
Keywords: Russia, numbers, survey, ultra-light aircraft, density. Distribution, autumn, Ob-valley, Yamalo-Nenetski Autonomous District, Khanty-Mansiiski Autonomous District, Nenets Autonomous District
Literature type: General
Journal: Indian Birds
Volume: 9 , Pages: 148–149.
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Shreeram M. V., & Deomurari, A. 2014. Record of Lesser- Anser erythropus and Greater- White-fronted Geese A. albifrons from Gujarat, India. Indian Birds: 9, 148–149.
Keywords: observation, India
Literature type: Report
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Morozov, V.V., Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 2014. Satellite tracking of Lesser White-fronted Goose from the east-european tundra in Russia. , Norsk Ornitologisk Forening - Report 5-2014. 16pp.
Keywords: Ural mountains, Ob River, Vorkuta, Bolshezemelskaya, Kazakhstan, Aras water reservoir, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, Iran, hunting, poaching
Literature type: General
Journal: Ardeola
Volume: 60 , Pages: 437-506
Language: Spanish (In Spanish with English summary)
Full reference: Gutiérrez, R., Lorenzo, J.A., Ellorriaga, J., Gorospe, G., López-Velasco, D., Martí-Aledo, J., Rodríguez, G. & Sales, L. 2013. Observaciones de Aves raras en España, 2011. [Report on rare birds in Spain 2011.], Ardeola: 60, 437-506
Keywords: Spain, rarity, occurrence, Villerías de Campos, Ansar chico
Report on rare birds in Spain 2011. Current report gives details about 452 new records on the presence of 100 rare bird taxa in the whole of Spain. Acceptance index was of 88,94% from a grand total of 579 examined records including pending, duplicated and regional rarities. Details on 12 new taxa for Spain are included for the first time in any rarities report: Asian white-winged scoter Melanitta deglandi, Fea’s petrel Pterodroma feae, first and second records, black-bellied storm-petrel Fregetta tropica, eastern imperial eagle Aquila heliaca, sandhill crane Grus canadensis, south polar skua Stercorarius maccormicki, Thayer’s Gull Larus thayeri, american hawk-owl Surnia ulula caparoch, buff-bellied pipit Anthus rubescens, eastern black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides, semicollared flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata and Cretzchsmar’s bunting Emberiza caesia. Deserta’s petrel, Thayer’s gull and hawk owl are new to the Spanish list which was updated in 2012 having considered the rest of the above accepted firsts. The report deals with record numbers of goosander Mergus merganser, buff-breasted sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis and pectoral sandpiper Calidris melanotos besides overwintering episodes of Baird’s sandpiper Calidris bairdii and broad-billed sandpiper Limicola falcinellus. Other interesting records are third records for Spain of African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus, upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda or Baltic gull Larus fuscus fuscus.
Literature type: Report
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Rozenfeld, S. & Strelnikov, E. 2011. Survey of Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in lower Ob River, Russia in autumn 2010. , NOF-report 2011-3. 25 pp.
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Tovanen, P. 2009. Annotated checklist of bird observations during the Lesser White-fronted Goose expeditions to the Mesna river mouth, Kanin Peninsula, Russia, in the autumns of 1996 and 2008. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 90-93.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: General
Journal: Vogelwelt
Volume: 129 , Pages: 269-280.
Language: English
Comments: A review of this publication will soon appear here.
Download:Full reference: Mooij, J.H., Hansson, P., Kampe-Persson, H. & Nilsson, L. 2008. Analysis of historical observations of Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus in Sweden and the West Palearctic. Vogelwelt: 129, 269-280.
A review of this publication will soon appear here.
Number of results: 33