Journal: Tiirutaja
Volume: 62 , Pages: 8-9
Language: Estonian
Download:Full reference: Kalamees, A. 2023. Väike-laukhanedel oli edukas pesitsusaasta. [The Lesser White-fronted goose had a successful nesting year.]
Keywords: migration, breeding success, Norway, Estonia, GPS-tracking
Veel käesoleva aasta kevadel näitasid rahvusvahelise väike-laukhanede seire andmed Fennoskandia populatsiooni jätkuvat kahanemist. Viimasel viiel aastal on järjest vähem isendeid jõudnud tagasi pesitsusaladele Põhja-Norras. Madalseisu paljude põhjuste seas peetakse olulisemateks elupaikade kadumist, kliimamuutustest tingitud väga halba pesitsusedukust ja kõrget röövlust, jahipidamist ning põllumajanduslikust tegevusest tingitud häirimist.
Literature type: Report
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Vougioukalou, M., Kazantzidis, S. & Aarvak, T. 2017. Safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose Fennoscandian population at key staging and wintering sites within the European flyway. , Special publication. LIFE+10 NAT/GR/000638 Project, HOS/BirdLife Greece, HAOD/Forest Research Institute, NOF/BirdLife Norway report no. 2017-2. 164p.
Keywords: EU-Life, conservation, Norway, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania,
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Estonian (In Estonian & English)
Download:Full reference: Toming, M. 2012. Väike-laukhani ja tema kaitse Eestis. [Lesser White-fronted Goose and its conservation in Estonia.] , Hirundo Supplementum 11. 62 pp.
Keywords: Action Plan, Estonia, Anser erythropus, monitoring, threats, measures
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Toming, M. & Tolvanen, P. 2009. Restoration and management of the Lesser White-fronted Goose habitats in Matsalu, Estonia. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 22-23.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Toming, M. & Pynnönen, J. 2009. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Goose in Estonia in 2004–2008. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 19-21.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Toming, M. 2009. Public awareness campaign for the Lesser White-fronted Goose in Estonia. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: p.24.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Tolvanen, P., Toming, M. & Pynnönen, J. 2004. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese in western Estonia in 2001–2003. , In: Aarvak, T. & Timonen, S. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Report 2001-2003. WWF Finland Report No 20 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2004: pp. 9-13.
Keywords: Annual report, monitoring
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Pynnönen, J. & Tolvanen, P. 2001. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese in western Estonia in spring 2000. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 2000. WWF Finland Report 13 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2001: pp. 10-11.
Keywords: Annual report, monitoring
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Tolvanen, P., Karvonen, R., Pynnönen, P. & Leito, A. 2000. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese in western Estonia in 1999. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. Annual report 1999. WWF Finland Report 12 & Norwegian Ornithological Society, NOF rapportserie Report No 1-2000: pp. 18-21.
Keywords: conservation, monitoring, Fennoscandian annual
Literature type: General
Language: Estonian (In Estonian, with English abstract.)
Download:Full reference: Tolvanen, P. & Leito, A. 2000. Väike laukhani. Ohustatuim meie hanedest. [Lesser White-fronted Goose – the most endangered goose in Palearctic], Linnurada 2000: 2-23.
Number of results: 12