New report from the autumn survey in Kazakhstan in 2016
The final report from the 2016 international Lesser White-fronted and Red-breasted Goose monitoring expedition in Kazakhstan is now ready and has been published on the AEWA website»
Observations of LWfG recorded an estimated 32,000 birds during the survey, ~250,000 Greylag Geese, ~53,000 Ruddy Shelducks and ~37,000 Red-breasted Geese. Greater White-fronted Geese) were the most abundant species, with a total of ~890,000 birds. Part of the aim for the present survey was to improve sampling and estimation techniques, so taking into account lakes not visited gives slightly larger estimate for the two target goose species: a total estimate of 34,250 birds (95% confidence intervals 28,500 – 40,100 birds) for the Western population of LWfG, and an estimated population of 50,100 Red-breasted Goose (95% CI 28,100 – 72,600 birds).
17 February 2017 by Fennoscandian LWfG conservation project
EU LIFE+ Lesser White-fronted Goose Project Team Comes Together for Final Meeting
Partner organizations to the EU LIFE+ project “Safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose along its European Flyways” came together at Lake Kerkini in northern Greece from 6 to 9 December for the concluding meeting under the auspices of the project. Final pending activities will be carried out mainly in Greece during the winter season 2016-2017 with the project officially coming to an end in April 2017. Read the full story here»
14 December 2016 by Fennoscandian LWfG conservation project
A critical review of reintroduction projects on the Lesser White-fronted Goose
NOF-BirdLife Norway’s Conservation Science Department have just published a report that presents a critical review of projects that have bred Lesser White-fronted Geese in captivity and released them into the wild. The report examines both past and ongoing projects and provides an overview of such initiatives as well as a critical assessment of the negative effects that such releases may have for our wild Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose population. In addition, the report addresses many contemporary issues concerning the distribution and population structure of both the reintroduced Lesser White-fronted Goose population in Sweden and the wild Fennoscandian population. Read the full story here»
23 November 2016 by & Paul Shimmings BirdLife Norway
The ongoing EU LIFE+ project wins European Natura 2000 award!
The EU LIFE+ project “Safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose along its European Flyways” (LIFE10NAT/GR/638) is amongst this year’s winners of the European Natura 2000 Award, which were announced on the 23rd of May in Brussels during an evening awards ceremony hosted by the European Commission. The project came first in the category “Cross-border cooperation and Networking”. Read the full story here»
24 May 2016 by Fennoscandian LWfG conservation project
Satellite transmitter tagged LWfG in Uzbekistan!
On 22 October a satellite transmitter tagged Lesser White-fronted Goose from Polar Urals in Russia reached the Talimardzhan water reservoir, Kashkadarya Province, in Uzbekistan! Interestingly it roosts in Uzbekistan, but feeds in the steppe and farmland areas in Turkmenistan!
15 November 2015 by Tomas Aarvak, Vladimir Morozov & Ingar J. Øien BirdLife Norway