Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Data zone

This part of the web site is devoted to collection of original data and their presentation. The core is centered on two sql databases, one with observations of birds and one with data on sites used by LWfG. These will then be connected with other databases, such as the Important Bird Area (IBA) database of BirdLife International and our own literature database. We will continue to add functionality and will gladly take any suggestions for improvements.

The observation database is devoted to collection of data on orignal wild birds, and will only show these data on the front/observations pages. However, there is a need to understand the population development and effects of the Swedish reintroduced population, so such data will also be added and tagged accordingly in the database and made available through the translocation page. As far as possible the observation data will be tagged according to which flyway / breeding population they belong, to facilitate better presentations and analyses.

The database contains at present the following amount of data:

Table 1: The number of observations and site per country.

Country Observations Sites
Afghanistan 0 1
Armenia 0 1
Austria 16 6
Azerbaijan 16 18
Bangladesh 1 1
Belarus 0 1
Bulgaria 179 84
China 21 50
Cyprus 1 1
Czech Republic 2 2
Egypt 1 1
England 1 1
Estonia 133 35
Finland 198 48
France 4 3
Georgia 0 2
Germany 9 8
Greece 853 26
Hungary 3614 284
India 6 8
Iran 73 45
Iraq 6 7
Israel 4 3
Italy 21 4
Jordan 1 1
Kazakhstan 34 87
Korea 2 1
Latvia 6 8
Lithuania 68 19
Mongolia 0 1
Norway 383 40
Oman 1 1
Poland 171 96
Romania 248 64
Russia 19 114
Serbia 6 2
Slovakia 8 5
South Korea 0 1
Spain 5 5
Sweden 1 5
Syria 5 2
The Netherlands 0 2
Turkey 20 17
Turkmenistan 11 5
Ukraine 19 22
United Arab Emirates 3 3
Uzbekistan 2 7
Table 2: The number of observations per user (> 10 obs. min.).

Name Observations
David Bogyó 1878
Gyula Szabo 1514
Tomas Aarvak 701
Kostas Papadopoulos 536
Emil Todorov 209
Petteri Tolvanen 112
Dobromir Dobrev 109
Risto Karvonen 107
Szabó Máté 88
Peter Sjolte Ranke 66
Wieslaw Lenkiewicz 55
Vladimir Mladenov 46
Juha Markkola 41
Ingar Jostein Øien 40
Ioannidis Panagiotis 35
Vytautas Eigirdas 28
Omid Yousefi Matekani 25
Andrei Cotoara 24
Andres Kalamees 24
George Iliadis 24
János Tar 23
Julius Morkunas 20
Michal Polakowski 17
Nicholas Henson 16
Zsolt Ampovics 16
Alexandra Demertzi 15
Ivaylo Dimchev 14
Daróczi J. Szilárd 14
Tarvo Valker 12
Boris Belchev 12
Reza Mohammadpour Norozbolagi 11